What is Yoga?

Yoga means union, bringing mind, body and spirit together. It is a way of living your life by being true to your beliefs, while developing your asana and meditation practice to bring peace and balance into your life. I invite you to explore my website, and hope to inspire you to delve a little deeper into the wonders of yoga in all its facets.

Yoga can be practised by anyone, regardless of age, and regardless of any physical restrictions or illness, because it is based on breath and meditation. The eight limbs of yoga are: yamas as such as ahimsa or non-violence, and satya or truthfulness; niyamas such as saucha, keeping a clear and pure mind; asana, the postures to prepare for meditation; pranayama or breath work; pratyahara, the drawing of awareness inwards; dharana, concentration of the mind; dhyana, contemplation or meditation; and samadhi, the state of meditative consciousness.

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